Saturday, November 29, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (86)

STSmall_thumb[2][2]Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
For My Kindle:
Girl of Rage (Rachel's Peril, #2) Girl of Vengeance (Rachel's Peril, #3)
Girl of Rage by Charles Sheehan-Miles
Girl of Vengeance by Charles Sheehan-Miles
eARCs for Review:
Wild About Weston (The English Brothers, #5)
Wild About Weston by Katy Regnery

Thursday, November 27, 2014

New Release & Giveaway: The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon

The Law of Moses
 The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon
Release Date: November 27,2014


If I tell you right up front, right in the beginning that I lost him, it will be easier for you to bear. You will know its coming, and it will hurt. But youll be able to prepare.

Someone found him in a laundry basket at the Quick Wash, wrapped in a towel, a few hours old and close to death. They called him Baby Moses when they shared his story on the ten oclock news the little baby left in a basket at a dingy Laundromat, born to a crack addict and expected to have all sorts of problems. I imagined the crack baby, Moses, having a giant crack that ran down his body, like hed been broken at birth. I knew that wasnt what the term meant, but the image stuck in my mind. Maybe the fact that he was broken drew me to him from the start.

It all happened before I was born, and by the time I met Moses and my mom told me all about him, the story was old news and nobody wanted anything to do with him. People love babies, even sick babies. Even crack babies. But babies grow up to be kids, and kids grow up to be teenagers. Nobody wants a messed up teenager.

And Moses was messed up. Moses was a law unto himself. But he was also strange and exotic and beautiful. To be with him would change my life in ways I could never have imagined. Maybe I should have stayed away. Maybe I should have listened. My mother warned me. Even Moses warned me. But I didnt stay away.

And so begins a story of pain and promise, of heartache and healing, of life and death. A story of before and after, of new beginnings and never-endings. But most of all...a love story.

Amy Harmon knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story.

Amy Harmon has been a motivational speaker, a grade school teacher, a junior high teacher, a home school mom, and a member of the Grammy Award winning Saints Unified Voices Choir, directed by Gladys Knight. She released a Christian Blues CD in 2007 called What I Know also available on Amazon and wherever digital music is sold. She has written five novels, Running Barefoot, Slow Dance in Purgatory, Prom Night in Purgatory, the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue, Making Faces and most recently, Infinity + One. 

Her newest book, The Law of Moses releases November 27, 2014.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Review: Tall, Silent & Lethal by R.L. Mathewson

Tall, Silent & Lethal (Pyte/Sentinel, #4)
Tall, Silent & Lethal by R.L. Mathewson
(Pyte/Sentinel #4)
October 31, 2014
508 pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance 18+
Contains: explicit sex, language, violence
Source: Personal purchase
This is the book that will change it all…….

Never again……

Christofer lives by those words while Cloe would rather die by them……..

Too many years living on the run, of always being seen as nothing more than a monster and a freak, has left Christofer cold and distant. He hates his life, his fate, but he’s made promises and nothing on earth will stop him from keeping them….

Except for the woman that invades his world, takes him by surprise, aggravates him, gives him hope and makes him wish that things could be different, but they can’t…….

Not unless he’s willing to risk everything.

Cloe doesn’t need anyone, doesn’t want any complications, but things quickly change when she accepts a job that destroys her world and brings her the one thing that she never thought she’d find again….


I LOVE THIS SERIES! I re-read the previous three books right before reading Tall, Silent & Lethal. I loved getting back into this world, experiencing these characters all over again. Even Chris annoying me to death all over again in book two was worth it, because I love the "family" that is created with this ragtag group of pytes, sentinels, and the cranky alpha wolf. But, if you don't have time to re-read all the lovely books in this series before diving into Tall, Silent & Lethal, you'll still be okay. Mathewson does a good job of bringing the reader up to speed with the past without it being excessive.
Christofer has to be one of my favorite characters in this series. Ephraim has been my main man for a while, but there's something really special about Christofer. His past is intense, his present is misunderstood and filled with prejudice by those around him, and his future is uncertain as he cares for his aging sister. There's also quite a bit of mystery surrounding him, and I loved that not everything about him was revealed right away. But I truly loved his brash but sweet personality. His unconditional love for his sister was lovely, even when he had no clue what he was doing. He was strong and intense, but also genuine and considerate. And then he gets closer to Cloe and the two of them were great together. I felt the love and tenderness between them, the chemistry and the protectiveness. I completely loved them as a couple.
Cloe does not stay in one place for long due to the circumstances of her past, so when she meets Christofer and his sister, she's not supposed to be there for long. But when things are meant to be, they're meant to be. Especially when Cloe's past does not give up easily. Cloe also has a mysterious past as well, but this time around we know more about it then she does, so we get to watch the horror unfold for her. But despite her heavy past, Cloe is an incredible person. Yes, she freaks out a lot in the beginning, almost repetitively. But her fortitude of character is admirable, and she finally gets it. Christofer's persistence certainly helped. Then to see her grow closer to Christofer, and see them be all they can be for each other was beautiful. They have not only a great physical relationship, but a great emotional connection.
This series would be nothing without the incredible tension of the plot, the twists of this paranormal world. Masters and Alphas are still seeking Pytes and will stop at nothing to get their intended targets. Beyond the new romances we get in each of these books, I love the overall story arch, its growing intensity, the world building. Some problems are resolved, others are born anew, many continue throughout, but all are relevant and fascinating. This story was no exception. There was a lot going on, and I was drawn into all the action and intensity and mystery right away, and it gripped me until the very end.
Of course, this series wouldn't be as special if the characters from the previous books were not present in the subsequent stories. Fortunately they are. We get to see everyone. Well, almost everyone. There were a couple of people missing, but I think they will play larger roles in the next book. But one of the beautiful things about this series is the "family" they've created. I love them all, even Chris whom I've forgiven since book 2, and love being wrapped up in their world, even if they just play a supporting role in each story. I love seeing them all. I'm truly looking forward to whatever Mathewson cooks up for the next book. And if the ending of this one is any indication, it's going to be intense.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Double Review: Bite Me & Once Bitten, Twice Shy by C.C. Wood

Bite Me (Bitten, #1)
Bite Me by C.C. Wood
(Bitten #1)
September 11, 2013
Genre: Paranormal Romance 18+
Contains: explicit sex and language
Source: Personal purchase

I had the perfect life; an awesome job in advertising, a gorgeous high rise apartment, and a flirtation with the guy down the hall. Then it all came crashing down. Two months later I was a cocktail waitress living in a tiny one bedroom apartment. I had also developed a serious ‘men suck’ attitude.

That all changed the night I met the beautiful and enigmatic Conner Savage. But there was just one little problem…he said he was a vampire. Figures a man that hot would be batshit crazy. Or so I thought. It didn't take me long to realize that Conner wasn't a nut job and that I was addicted to him.

With every moment we spent together he drew me deeper into his world and the supernatural culture in which he lived.
Now I had a choice: the vampire I craved or a normal life. Couldn't be easier, right?

First, I need to say that I discovered this series when I read the SHIVER Anthology, which included a short story that takes place later in this series. I instantly liked the characters and was beyond curious about the rest of the story. In fact, I immediately contacted the author to find out if there would be more to that particular couple's story. And then I grabbed the first book in this series, BITE ME, and knew I found a new series to love. So the moral of the story is: Anthologies can be a great way to find new authors. Not every story in an anthology will grab me, but when you find that special gem, it's worth it.

Back to BITE ME. I really liked this story. It's not just a sexy romance. Well, yes, it is a sexy romance. But it also has an fascinating paranormal world that sucked me right in. Donna, our heroine and non-paranormal, is pulled into Connor's, our vampire's, world and their attraction and connection goes beyond just a bit of interest. Some crazy things happen, which I won't spoil. But Donna is a real trooper. I really liked her. She is put through the ringer, but she's not a quitter. You can see why Connor would fall for her. And vice versa, because Connor was pretty terrific. Now Connor isn't developed quite as well as Donna. There were still some things I wanted to know more about him. But there's no denying his appeal and his devotion. They are a fantastic couple together. Plus, the whole paranormal world around them has a much larger storyline, full of some very intense scenes. I was quite nervous about how things would play out with the enemy vampires. But I loved how the plot flowed. Now I look forward to the rest of the series and all the things that will play out.


Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Bitten, #2)
Once Bitten, Twice Shy by C.C. Wood
(Bitten #2)
March 2, 2014
Genre: Paranormal Romance 18+
Contains: explicit sex and language
Source: Personal purchase

I used to think that my life was boring. I resigned myself to the rut I was stuck in. Then my entire existence was turned upside down.

In the last six months, I’ve learned things that would get me committed to an asylum if I repeated them. First, I was kidnapped by vampires. Yes, vampires. Sounds crazy, right? My best friend, Donna, became one of the fanged after that little adventure and hooked up with a hot, Scottish vampire named Conner. They’re even planning a wedding.

Secondly, I learned not all vampires are evil. In fact, some of them are downright sexy.

Alexander Dimitriades has it all. He’s tall, dark, and handsome and manages to give me tingles in all the right place and also make me laugh. Unfortunately, to be with him, I would have to give up my humanity and I like being human. Then, there’s the fact that the whole drinking blood thing gives me the heebie jeebies.

To make matters worse, there are plans in motion to change the place vampires hold in the human world. And I’m caught in the middle, between the vampire I’m falling in love with and a group that wants to create a vampire dictatorship, with humans as slaves.

Now, all I want is my calm, normal life back. As my friend, Ricki, likes to say, “Be careful what you wish for because it might come and bite you on the ass.” I hate it when she’s right.

If you thought Donna and Connor were sexy, just wait until you read Ivie and Lex. Donna and Connor are almost mild compared to them. Lex has what you may call a 'kinky' side and Ivie has had her share of boring men and been wanting more. But she was highly traumatized in the first book, so letting down her walls to the enigmatic Lex is no easy task. But the attraction and chemistry is undeniable. And once those walls come down, Lex is a no holds barred kind of guy.

These two were super sexy, but I will also say they were super sweet. Lex may have been an alpha male of the nth degree, but after living for so long, once he found the woman for him, he was also tender and considerate and devoted. Ivie gets all sides of him, and that's what I really liked in their relationship. The two of them really helped each other and completed each other.

But the paranormal world is still in heavy turmoil, with danger around every bend. There's so much really exciting stuff happening here - deciphering good and bad guys, protecting humans, discovering new abilities, and breaking down barriers. This is a really fun world CC has created and the stories are getting better and better. You know I'll be happily continuing this series.
BITE ME:  Amazon  --  Goodreads
ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY:  Amazon  --  Goodreads
SHIVER Anthology:  Amazon  --  Goodreads

Monday, November 24, 2014

Review: Scenes From the City by Penny Reid

Scenes from the City (Knitting in the City, #4.5)
Scenes from the City by Penny Reid
(Knitting in the City #4.5)
Early release: November 24, 2014
Release ends: December 15, 2014

aka... the Festivus Surprise
100% of proceeds go to Toys for Tots.
This book cannot be read as a standalone. It is a collection of short scenes following the ladies from the 'Knitting in the City' series and will only be available in eBook format from December 1 - December 15, 2014.
'Neanderthal Seeks Honeymoon' - Janie and Quinn
'Friends Definitely With Benefits' - Elizabeth and Nico
'Hacking the Hacker' - Sandra and Alex
'Beauty and the Beard' - Ashley and Drew
'Ninja at First Sight' - Fiona and Greg

Are you a fan of this series like me? Then this novella is a must-read. I have fallen in love with each of these characters during this series, so the opportunity to read more about them was a no-brainer. Not only do we get more of Janie/Quinn, Elizabeth/Nico, Sandra/Alex, and Ashley/Drew. But we also get the awesome backstory of how Fiona and Greg met. And in true Penny Reid style, we get all the quirky and awkward and intelligence and humor we've come to expect, and then some.

'Neanderthal Seeks Honeymoon' - Janie and Quinn
This story was everything I love about Janie and Quinn - it's quirky and funny and sexy. It's honeymooning, Quinn and Janie style, complete with orgasm fatigue, luggage challenges, frogs and vaginas.

'Friends Definitely With Benefits' - Elizabeth and Nico

Instead of quirky and funny, we get our sweet and tender with Elizabeth and Nico. Ever wonder how Elizabeth felt after marrying Nico? Well here you go. I loved the way they worked through their communication and the tender way they love each other.

'Hacking the Hacker' - Sandra and Alex

I completely love Alex and Sandra. It's hard to choose favorites, but it may be them. I just love them so much. This little story, occurring a little over a year since they've been married, is proof of how perfect they are for each other

'Beauty and the Beard' - Ashley and Drew

Have you been missing Drew's letters, poetry and prose? Well buckle up for some epic swooning here, folks, cause Drew is playing for keeps. I'm not a flowers and poetry kind of gal, and even I love Drew.

'Ninja at First Sight' - Fiona and Greg

And then there were Fiona and Greg... Once again, I love how characters develop in Penny Reid's head. I love how their stories come to life. We've seen Fiona since the beginning of the series and got a glimpse of Greg in Beauty and the Mustache, but really, we've known very little about them... until now. What a fantastic introduction to their love story. Greg is certainly a character, but the truly fascinating thing about Greg's character is that Fiona gets him. And he gets her. It's one thing to portray a persona. It's another thing to be understood for who you are, and loved for it. Not everyone in Fiona and Greg's lives will or should get them, but that's why they have each other. I love Greg and Fiona! Once again another genius couple has been created, with all the intelligence and quirkiness and spark I love, plus the added bonus of Greg's humor. And I cannot wait to get the rest of their story in Happily Ever Ninja!!

This novella goes away after December 15th, so don't miss out!
Haven't started the series yet? Check it out! Penny Reid- All Covers
Neanderthal Seeks Human (#1): My Review /  Amazon  /  Goodreads
Neanderthal Marries Human (#1.5): My Review /  Amazon  /  Goodreads
Friends Without Benefits (#2): My Review /  Amazon  /  Goodreads
Love Hacked (#3): My Review /  Amazon  /  Goodreads
Beauty and the Mustache (#4): My Review /  Amazon  /  Goodreads

Release Day: Winning Appeal by NM Silber

Winning Appeal Banner
Winning Appeal Cover

Purchase Link:


Once upon a time, a good girl who wanted to be naughty, met a naughty boy who wanted to be good...
Beth Pierce, is the Director of Fundraising for her older brother's new legal non-profit. She spends her weekends fighting off lecherous men at charity galas and her weekdays trying to hide her attraction for a certain sexy young attorney in her office.
Mark Patterson, is the object of Beth's desire. He spends his weekends having casual encounters with women and his weekdays trying not to think about how gorgeous, smart, and sexy Beth is. Because not only is Beth his colleague, she's the younger sister of one of his closest friends.
When Mark is assigned to escort Beth to those weekend galas, they both quickly realize that things could get very interesting. Will Beth be as naughty as she would like to be? Can Mark be as good as he wants to be? Even if they give in to their desire for each other, how can they risk romance when so much is at stake?
A companion novella will be included with this edition in January 2015.
Winning Appeal Teaser 2
Winning Appeal

✩★✩★Grab the entire series for ONLY $0.99 EACH for a limited time✩★✩★

Lawyers In Love Series

The Law of Attraction (Lawyers in Love 1)

The Home Court Advantage (Lawyers in Love 2)

Legal Briefs (Lawyers in Love 3)

Legally Wed (A Lawyers in Love Novella)

The Lawyers in Love, Books 1 & 2 Boxed Set

NM Bio Pix
N.M. Silber is a USA Today Bestselling author, and recovering attorney, who survived the Philadelphia criminal court system, largely by having a sarcastic sense of humor. She used her her experiences there as a starting place to build her humorous cast of characters and sexy story lines, and she uses her knowledge of legal practice, courtroom procedure, and how lawyers really think, in every one of her novels.
She has been a #1 Bestselling author in Romantic Comedy on Amazon, and a Top 20 Bestselling author there, and at Barnes & Noble. She was voted an Amazon Reader's Choice Best New Author for 2013, and has been ranked as a Top 100 author there overall. She has stated that her goal is to write books that genuinely make readers feel good.
N.M. Silber's Writing Manifesto:
1) My characters don't cheat.
2) My characters treat people with dignity.
3) My male characters do not refer to women as "whores," "sluts," or "bitches."
4) My female characters are strong, intelligent and unwilling to be involved with men who act like they are A) fifteen B) emotionally disturbed C) asshats.
5) My couples communicate rather than react.
6) My couples have fun, healthy, hot, and sexy sex. Nobody gets hurt - physically or emotionally.
7) My goal is to make you laugh, swoon, blush and hide in the bathroom to read. My goal is NOT to make you to go through a box of tissues or throw your Kindle.
8) There will be no amnesia, secret babies, dead parents, break ups over misunderstandings, book covers with Fabio on them or use of the words "throbbing manhood."
9) Despite all of the above ^^ I will still provide PLENTY of conflict and tension and sizzling chemistry between my characters.

Connect with N.M.

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (24)

 It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.

I missed a week due to some very annoying computer issues, so this is a two-week post of what I've read.
 What I Read Last Week:
Tall, Silent & Lethal (Pyte/Sentinel, #4) Flat-Out Celeste (Flat-Out Love, #2) Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus
Bite Me (Bitten, #1) Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Bitten, #2) Scenes from the City (Knitting in the City, #4.5) 
Tall, Silent & Lethal by RL Mathewson
Flat-Out Celeste by Jessica Park
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Bite Me by CC Wood
Once Bitten, Twice Shy by CC Wood
Scenes From the City by Penny Reid
 What I Finished Listening To:
The Infinite Sea (The Fifth Wave #2)
The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
My Reviews Last Week:
Wonder Dead Girl Walking (Royal Reaper #1)
Wonder by RJ Palacio (5+ Stars)
Dead Girl Walking by Ruth Silver (3.5 Stars)
What I'm Reading This Week:
Wild About Weston (The English Brothers, #5)
Wild About Weston by Katy Regnery