Book Blurb:
When Trend magazine contracts Lindstrom & Sons to manage a fashion shoot in Yellowstone, easygoing Lars Lindstrom rolls his eyes. “Babysitting” supermodel Samara Amaya’s assistant sounds like a snore, even amidst the park’s lush wildlife and scenery. Little does he know that Jane Mays, Samara’s down-to-earth, smart-mouthed assistant and cousin, will be the most exciting person he’s ever met. Her smoky voice and surprisingly sweet heart rock his world.My Review:
Jane has been hurt before, but this time it’s right. From loving the same music to their effortlessly sexy sparring, her handsome new tour guide gets her—and Jane is getting Lars right back until Samara blows into town. Used to living in her cousin’s shadow, Jane knows Lars will be nothing more than a notch in a bedpost if the spoiled supermodel has her way. In the past, maybe she would have stepped aside. This time she’ll find the strength to stand up to Samara once and for all…and trust that Lars will be there to catch her if she falls.
Katy, Katy, Katy, what can I say? You've done it again! Just when I thought Midsummer Sweetheart was my favorite, you went ahead and wrote See Jane Fall, and I've fallen in love in a big way all over again. Of course, each book in this series can be read as a standalone, but I can guarantee that if you like one, you will want to read them all.
See Jane Fall is the beautiful love story of Lars Lindstrom, the hunky tour guide, and Jane Mays, the plain cousin of a supermodel. I use the term "beautiful" because, despite Jane's "plain" perception of herself and her job status, the budding relationship between Lars and Jane and all the handlings of friendship, misperceptions, jealousy, family, and future is beautifully interwoven, gaining us an amazing, exciting story, that kept my attention throughout, and made me completely fall in love with this sweet couple.
The character development is quite exceptional, looking at each and every angle of not only Lars and Jane, but a few significant others as well. This was one of those unique instances when I felt like a book left no stone unturned as far as delving into the depths of its main characters, and I loved it. I was immediately drawn into this story and connected quickly with Lars and Jane, both of whom had their own personal crossroads they were facing, and I couldn't wait to find out more about them. I found myself loving Lars and Jane, then wanting to shake them. But then when I would get to the point of full on annoyance, Katy would take the story in a new direction, opening up my view of the story and the characters, and gripping me right back into their lives. And I was fully immerged in their lives until the very last word, loving it and not wanting to leave.
I highly recommend See Jane Fall, and the entire Heart of Montana series, for anyone who is a romantic at heart, who loves to not only watch beautiful love stories grow, but see characters bloom and develop in rich detail. And along with the individual love story, if you follow along in the series, you'll see bits and pieces of the previous and future loves as well, along with a beautiful family you'll want to spent a long weekend with, or perhaps an extended vacation. I'm eagerly looking forward to next Lindstrom's story, and anything Katy Regnery writes.

KATY REGNERY, contemporary romance author of the
Heart of Montana and Enchanted Places series, has always loved telling a good
story. She credits her mother with making funny, heartwarming tales come alive
throughout her childhood. A lifelong devotee of all romance writing, from
Edwardian to present-day, it was just a matter of time before Katy tried her
hand at writing a love story of her own. Living in northern Fairfield County,
Connecticut, where her writing room looks out at the woods, her family creates
just enough cheerful chaos to remind her that the very best love stories of all
are the messy and unexpected ones.
Please track down Katy on Twitter (@KatyRegnery) or
Facebook (KatyRegnery) where she loves interacting with her fans…especially at
#LunchtimeLiveWithKaty every weekday from 12-1pm EST.
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