The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share news, recap the past week on your blog, showcase books, share upcoming news, etc. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.
What's Up With Me This Week:
Road Tripping! My family of 5, along with my parents, started an 11 day road trip through Northern California and Southern Oregon last weekend. Our first destination was San Francisco so my husband and I could attend the San Fran Golden Gate Author Event (so much fun!) last weekend. This week we continued the adventures, including camping in the Redwood National Forest, visiting Battery Point Lighthouse, exploring the Trees of Mystery, walking the Oregon coastline, petting wild animals at the West Coast Game Park Safari, and touring the caves at Oregon Caves National Monument. It's been quite the adventure! And we still have a few more days of the trip left to look forward to. (Hence, also why the reading and reviewing slowed down this week.)
Current Giveaway:
What I Read Last Week:
(I'm obsessed with this series right now!)

Enforce #1.5 by Rachel Van Dyken
Elect #2 by Rachel Van Dyken

Enforce #1.5 by Rachel Van Dyken
Elect #2 by Rachel Van Dyken
What I'm Currently Reading:

Entice #3 by Rachel Van Dyken
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