
Friday, September 6, 2013

Feature & Follow (17): My Bookshelves

FF 2012 Feature & Follow #120

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by both Alison Can Read and Parakunkee’s View. This is a great way to gain blog followers for book bloggers, follow other blogs, and get to know each other. Each week a different question is posted by our hosts and we get to answer. You can find more info about this meme here.

This week's assignment:
Bookshelf Tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf.

I have several bookshelves, because outside of being an avid reader, I also have three children and homeschool them, so between school books, living books, research books, non-fiction books, children's books, and my books, we have lots and lots of books. But I will limit this post to my personal books and our middle school shelves, and not inundate you with our other overflowing shelves :)

I also found, as I was photographing these shelves, that these shelves include 254 signed books. I guess I have official proof - I really do have book issues.
My Predominantly Young Adult and Indie shelves. Indie or Indie-ish are the shelves on the right column. The non-Indie shelves are double-parked, so this photo is the back row. The next photo is the front row of mostly YA but also other genre books. And I'm super boring and put them in alphabetical order.


Our Classics and Adult shelves, though additional Classics are on a kid shelf not pictured. Yes, book segregation is live and kicking in my house (which IKEA shelves are great for enabling me).

Our Middle School shelves, with the next photo showing our overflow area. Plus we've got an additional shelf, not pictured, containing more well loved children's classics. These are not ordered alphabetically, but according to whatever way I felt they were visually appealing at the time. Plus, we keep the signed books on the top away from dirty fingers and flying Legos. 
Thanks for visiting my shelves! Do you have a special way of organizing your books?


  1. Ooh thanks for a tour of the shelves! I might be the only bookish blogger that has no organization system to my bookshelves. Everything it just packed in there.

    Tanya Patrice

  2. OOooh I am salivating over those IKEA shelves!! I'd kill for one, but sadly, I have no room for them in my room. Plus with a 4 year old niece running about, I am leary of shelving them elsewhere. But I did take over 1 case in our basement, 3 shelves that are filled with completed series except for one that's running a tad long, so books 1-11 are down there, and 12-however other many there will be are in my room!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Really great collection. Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Friday!

  4. THose are great pics. I like how you have themn separated out. Yay for the Redwall stuff- those are fun. :)

  5. Love your shelves...thanks for stopping by!

  6. Your shelves are gorgeous! I wish I had that many physical copies! Most of my books are now on my Kindle/Nook! Great pics!

    Here's My FF

  7. Love those shelves! They're awesome! And you have a mighty fine collection of books! :) Thanks for stopping by my place. Enjoy your weekend!!

  8. Thanks for sharing! Mine are organised by author's last name.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    New GMC follower

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  9. I need shelves like that! They look so nice! You have a lot of books there too! Looks really nice with all the shelves filled up like that! :)

  10. I love your shelves(and that you have book segregation LOL). They look great and 254 signed books? Wow! Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads


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