
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wishlist Wednesday (7): The Farm

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop, hosted by Pen to Paper, where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added (it's entirely up to you), that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves. For more info on this meme, go here.

The Farm (The Farm, #1)

The Farm by Emily McKay
Published December 4, 2012

This book really appeals to me for some reason. I'm very curious about this take on vampires, with the whole quarantining, human blood holding pens, escape plans, and twin girls, one with autism, thing going on. I really hope it's good because the synopsis has already grabbed me. I'm hoping to get a copy for Christmas :)

Goodreads Summary:
Life was different in the Before: before vampires began devouring humans in a swarm across America; before the surviving young people were rounded up and quarantined. These days, we know what those quarantines are—holding pens where human blood is turned into more food for the undead monsters, known as Ticks. Surrounded by electrical fences, most kids try to survive the Farms by turning on each other…

And when trust is a thing of the past, escape is nearly impossible.

Lily and her twin sister Mel have a plan. Though Mel can barely communicate, her autism helps her notice things no one else notices—like the portion of electrical fence that gets turned off every night. Getting across won’t be easy, but as Lily gathers what they need to escape, a familiar face appears out of nowhere, offering to help…

Carter was a schoolmate of Lily’s in the Before. Managing to evade capture until now, he has valuable knowledge of the outside world. But like everyone on the Farm, Carter has his own agenda, and he knows that behind the Ticks is an even more dangerous threat to the human race...


  1. I've seen this book a lot lately, I'd love to get it as well.

    Hope you get it soon.
    My WW

  2. I've heard a lot of great stuff about this book but never really looked into it. But it sounds great and definitely need to check it out now! Great choice, I hope you get your hands on a copy soon :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  3. This one is on my wishlist, too! I hope you get to read it soon!

  4. It sounds interesting!! I hope you get a change to read it soon :)
    Here's my WW

  5. I've seen this book around and I really want it! It sounds really good!

    Here's my Wishlist Wednesday

  6. Vampires? Twins? A dystopian setting? How have I never heard of this book before??!!
    Love the sound of this one- hope we both get hold of a copy soon. :D
    My Wishlist Wednesday

  7. Haven't heard of this one but sounds pretty interesting! :)

  8. I really liked this one! I hope you can get it soon! :D

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  9. I haven't heard of this, sounds interesting though

    My Wishlist Wednesday
    Lauren @ Northern Plunder

  10. Yes! I have had my eye on this one for awhile and I was lucky enough to be informed that I have won a copy! I can't wait to read it. I hope that you get to add it to your shelves soon and enjoy the read.

  11. I saw this one on Goodreads the other day. It looks really interesting! Great choice.


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