
Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (6)

 It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.

What I Read Last Week:
Midnight Thief (Midnight Thief, #1) Poison Dance (Midnight Thief, #0.5) 
Fixed on You (Fixed, #1) Found in You (Fixed, #2) 
Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne
Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne
Fixed on You by Laurelin Paige
Found in You by Laurelin Paige
What I'm Listening To:
Shattered (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #7)
Shattered by Kevin Hearne
My Reviews Last Week:
 Neanderthal Marries Human (Knitting in the City, #1.5) Meeting Miss Mystic (Heart of Montana, #4) Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend Quartet, #4)
Neanderthal Marries Human by Penny Reid (5+ Star Review)
Meeting Miss Mystic by Katy Regnery (5 Star Review)
Four Years Later by Monica Murphy (4 Star Review)
What I'm Currently Reading:
  Fablehaven (Fablehaven, #1)
Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
(This is my eldest son's favorite series. He's so glad I'm finally starting it!)


  1. Oh nice! I still need to read Shattered myself! Happy Reading!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Have a great reading week,

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  3. I'm seeing a lot of 'Midnight Thief' around at it really makes me want to read it! 'Fablehaven' looks really good and I think it's great you're taking your son's recommendations! Great bunch of books :) Thanks for sharing
    My Monday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  4. I need to catch up on Kevin Hearne's series. I've just read the first 3 so far. I thought Midnight Thief was pretty good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  5. Some of those books have spicy covers. :-)


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