
Thursday, July 31, 2014

(Adult) Review Tour & Giveaway: Break The Sky by Nina Lane

Break the Sky
Break the Sky by Nina Lane
July 29, 2014
Snow Queen Publishing
400 pages
Genre: Adult Romance (Erotica) 18+
(Contains: explicit sex, mature language)
Source: eARC from publisher for Honest review

Book Synopsis:
“Do you ever let go, storm girl?” he asked. “Ever lose control? Ever surrender?”
“Never,” I whispered. “I never surrender.”
A smile of both promise and warning curved his beautiful mouth.
“You will.”

Atmospheric scientist Kelsey March is under siege. Her tornado research project is on the skids and she’s fighting conflict in her university department. So when irresistible bad boy Archer West suggests a hot, wild fling while he’s in town, Kelsey is unable to resist his sexy offer.

Kelsey and Archer embark on a intense, exhilarating affair. But soon their differences and private battles encroach on their desire, and Kelsey discovers that Archer is a storm she can’t control.
My Review:

I absolutely loved Break the Sky. I fell I love with Nina Lane's writing with the Spiral of Bliss trilogy following Dean and Liv West. Here we get the spin-off story of Dean's brother Archer and Dean's best friend Kelsey. This takes place not long after the epilogue of Awaken, the last book of the Spiral of Bliss trilogy. But this can definitely be read as a standalone. While Dean and Liv are involved in the story at different points, their history and love story is not revealed. If this is your first read of Nina Lane's, then I highly recommend you follow it with the Spiral of Bliss trilogy (Arouse, Allure, and Awaken). And if you liked or loved the trilogy, then Break the Sky is a highly recommended must-read for you.

Since our brief introduction to Archer West in Allure, I've wanted to know more about him and his story. Right from the prologue, we are quickly immersed into Archer's past, his pain, his history. I loved getting to know all the complexities that are Archer West. He's cute and hot, he's funny and corny, he's sensitive and understanding, he's dominant and sexy. He's just the alpha hero I was hoping for.

Then there's Kelsey March, whom we've know from the other series, yet we never really knew her. She was always a mystery. So learning about her here, her past, her struggles, her heartbreak, her motivation and her drive. There is so much more to Kelsey than meets the eye. Then add in all the aspects that Archer brings out of her, and we get our blue-streaked heroine. And the first glimpse of Kelsey's attraction to Archer - fantastic.

I was completely immersed in Archer and Kelsey's story. We got it all with them - the crackling chemistry, the scorching sex, but also their ability to see the truth in the other, the truth even they hide from themselves. I fell in love with Archer and Kelsey big time. Then all the depths, the good and bad, the tragedy and triumph, the love and loss, all that they face together or apart, was everything I'd hoped this book would be and more.

The additional storyline between Archer and Dean - two brothers at a loss on how to repair their broken relationship - was particularly moving and beautifully done. My eyes got glossy and they almost brought me to tears, and I'm not much of a crier. Then those scenes with Nicholas just made me swoon. I loved that this story went beyond just a love story.

Beside the beautiful story and characters, it's Nina Lane's writing that I love. Her writing is so poetic, so moving, so engaging. I didn't want it to end. Lane also has this gorgeous way of interweaving themes into her books. If you pay attention, you'll catch the Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland references brilliantly intertwined. I love this so much, because it was so well done, feeling completely organic, and adding that special something to an already beautiful book. What more can I say? I absolutely loved this book. I already want to re-read it. Bravo, Nina Lane!

Book Links:

About the Author
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nina Lane writes hot, sexy romances and spicy erotica. Originally from California, she loves traveling and thinks St. Petersburg, Russia is a city everyone should visit at least once. Nina also spent many years in graduate school studying art history and library sciences.

Although she would go back for another degree if she could because she's that much of a bookworm, she now lives the happy life of a full-time writer. Nina's novel The Erotic Dark hit #1 on Amazon's Erotica Bestseller list.  Spice Box box set which included Arouse was #6 on the New York Times Bestseller list and #13 in USA Today.

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Signed books and Break the Sky inspired item



  1. JENNY!! I'm so happy you loved Archer and Kelsey's story! Thank you so much for your wonderful review and for participating in the blog tour -- your support means so much to me, especially as I was anxious about following up Liv and Dean. Needless to say, I'm thrilled you enjoyed Break the Sky and so appreciate everything you've done. --Nina ♥♥♥

    1. Nina, it was the perfect follow-up! I completely loved their story. It makes supporting you and being a fan very easy :)


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